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i feel full

  • 1 wonder

    1. noun
    1) (the state of mind produced by something unexpected or extraordinary: He was full of wonder at the amazing sight.) údiv, úžas
    2) (something strange, unexpected or extraordinary: the Seven Wonders of the World; You work late so often that it's a wonder you don't take a bed to the office!) div, zázrak
    3) (the quality of being strange or unexpected: The wonder of the discovery is that it was only made ten years ago.) úžas
    2. verb
    1) (to be surprised: Caroline is very fond of John - I shouldn't wonder if she married him.) diviť sa, chcieť vedieť, byť prekvapený
    2) (to feel curiosity or doubt: Have you ever wondered about his reasons for wanting this money?) položiť si otázku, chcieť vedieť
    3) (to feel a desire to know: I wonder what the news is.) byť zvedavý
    - wonderfully
    - wonderingly
    - wonderland
    - wondrous
    - no wonder
    * * *
    • zázrak
    • údiv
    • byt zvedavý
    • div
    • cudovat sa
    • cudo

    English-Slovak dictionary > wonder

  • 2 sorry

    ['sori] 1. adjective
    1) (used when apologizing or expressing regret: I'm sorry (that) I forgot to return your book; Did I give you a fright? I'm sorry.) prepáčte, ľutujem
    2) (apologetic or full of regret: I think he's really sorry for his bad behaviour; I'm sure you were sorry to hear about his death.) smutný
    3) (unsatisfactory; poor; wretched: a sorry state of affairs.) neuspokojivý, žalostný, zlý
    2. interjection
    1) (used when apologizing: Did I tread on your toe? Sorry!) prepáčte
    2) ((used when asking a person to repeat what he has said) I beg your pardon?: Sorry (, what did you say)?) prosím?
    * * *
    • prepácte ü
    • lutovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > sorry

См. также в других словарях:

  • Feel — Feel, v. i. 1. To have perception by the touch, or by contact of anything with the nerves of sensation, especially those upon the surface of the body. [1913 Webster] 2. To have the sensibilities moved or affected. [1913 Webster] [She] feels with… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • full — [[t]f ʊl[/t]] ♦ fuller, fullest 1) ADJ GRADED If something is full, it contains as much of a substance or as many objects as it can. Once the container is full, it stays shut until you turn it clockwise. ...a full tank of petrol. Ant: empty 2)… …   English dictionary

  • Full Moon Fever — Студийный альбом Тома Петти …   Википедия

  • Full Intention — est un duo de producteurs/ remixeurs composé de Michael Gray et Jon Pearn. Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Discographie 2.1 Albums 2.2 Singles …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Feel Good Time — «Feel Good Time» Сингл Pink при участии …   Википедия

  • Feel Good Time — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Feel Good Time» Sencillo de Pink del álbum Try This Grabado 2003 Género(s) Pop …   Wikipedia Español

  • Full Moon Features — is a motion picture production and distribution company headed by B movie veteran Charles Band. It is known for the direct to video series Puppet Master and Subspecies, as well as the innovative VideoZone featurette at the end of films through… …   Wikipedia

  • feel-good — feel good, feel bad We have had the feel good factor and feelgoodism since 1977, when the New York Times reported that the latest aberration in the American pursuit of happiness is the feelgood movement. The word had been used earlier in Dr… …   Modern English usage

  • feel-bad — feel good, feel bad We have had the feel good factor and feelgoodism since 1977, when the New York Times reported that the latest aberration in the American pursuit of happiness is the feelgood movement. The word had been used earlier in Dr… …   Modern English usage

  • Feel Like I Do — «Feel Like I Do» Сингл группы Drowning Pool из альб …   Википедия

  • Full Force Gale — «Full Force Gale» Sencillo de Van Morrison del álbum Into the Music Lado A Full Force Gale Lado B Bright Side of the Road Grabación Primavera de 1979 Género(s) …   Wikipedia Español

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